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Showing posts from July, 2009

Everything changes, eventually.

That stupid green-eyed monster attacked me again . I just hate it when jealousy overcomes my whole being. It slowly eats you, then swallows you whole. It sucks. I hate how my life changed so drastically in the past 3 years. I just went from hero to zero. Well, metaphorically speaking, of course . In a snap, everything went completely different. The life that I used to have, the things I used to enjoy, nothing but a blur memory in my distant past. Maybe that's why I envy them so much. They have every single thing that they want handed to them. All is within their reach already. They just have to pick it up. Their life is so damn easy . No need to work hard for the luxurious things that they want. "Ask and you shall receive." That's basically what their lives are like. And I so badly want that life. Yup, told you. Stupid green-eyed monster. Okay, so not that I have anything against them. I'm just really jealous of what they have. Cause I used to have that. And

Poser | Obsession.

You know what really, really sucks? Imitating other people. So I'm not really a great person. Not even close to being one either. But it just totally, seriously pisses me off when other people imitates me. You know, how I dress up, how I speak, my mannerisms, my writings. Why can't they get their own life? All these years, I have worked so hard to become someone utterly unique. To be different from everyone else. Or at least different than what's trendy or what's ' in'. I don't wanna see myself being a part of something simply because it's where everybody else is. I want to STAND OUT from the crowd. I might just be a sore thumb but at least I'm not like everyone else--complete posers. That's why I just hate it when there's someone who is, in a way, copying me. I mean, people, don't you just hate that?! Okay, I'm calm now . I just realized something. If I don't stop obsessing with downloading songs, I won't be able to do

Puro kagaguhan nanaman.

Bangon na, people! Medyo maaga akong nagising ngayon eh. Woohhh! Grabe. Muka pa din akong download. Naisip ko na lang na mag-update muna ng blog. Para naman di maging kawawa to. Hindi ko na napapansin eh :) Eh ano ng mga nangyari sa'kin? So kahapon, Tuesday 0728'09, tamang gaguhan lang. Puro ko "GAGO!". Kung nakakamatay nga daw yun eh malamang duguan na ang madlang Pilipinas. Para akong gago eh. Wala ng ibang nasabi. Hahaha. Wait, pansin mo, Tagalog ako ngayon? Kasi naman. Nakakatanga kung ikwento ko ng English. Sige nga, translate mo sa English ang salitang "gago". Oh di ba. Ang hirap. Kaya wag na lang, di ba. Nevermind. Magta-Tagalog na ko. Para mas convincing ang story kong wala namang kwenta. Wapak! Ayun na nga. Parang tanga. Umagang umaga kasi nagkakagaguhan na dito sa bahay. Puro "gago!" na lang. Eh di pagdating ko sa school, puro gago na din ako. Oha! Masaya! :)) Pakshet! Gago talaga. First period na first period, prelim exam sa English. Ana


Two days without any posts. That was a first. So, what have I been up to? Well, I have been downloading songs the whole day of Saturday and Sunday. Yeah, from the moment I wake up until I fall asleep. It's kinda addicting. I really wanna see my iTunes overflowing with songs. It's an obsession :) We have no classes today. Why? Cause our stupid president's gonna have her State of the Nation Address a.k.a SONA. Our government really sucks. And I think that our DWARF president should be out of the office. She's not really doing anything for the country. Except of course for her constant corruption and manipulation. Honestly, I have no idea why anyone believes that bitch. Such a fucking liar. *SIGHS. Oh well. This is a free world. Going back to my downloading now. Beeeepppp...

Totally over reacting.

Just woke up. And it is like 10.30 in the evening. I wasn't really feeling well. Nauseous and headache-y. So the moment I got home, I laid in my bed and went to sleep. So this day was kinda irritating. Leaving people behind is the trend today. It's like they're not even with anyone. I'm not really mad at them or anyone for that matter. What happened was just really irritating for me. So okay, I'll just go home by myself. The good thing was, I saw Tammy at the platform of the LRT station. Oh well. At least I won't be such a loner in the LRT. But still, irritating . But I feel like I did over react on the situation. After I left cause of too much irritation, they still waited for me at the entrance of the LRT. Okay, so I was there first . But since there's always this annoyingly long line on the side of the girls, they were now ahead of me. After I passed through the stupid inspection, they were there waiting for me, and I just walked passed them. Bitchy me

Sobrang katangahan at kabaliwan.

Today was a crazy day! Si Pia at si Kat, away ng away. Akala mo naman, may LQ (lover's quarrel). Parang mga tanga, sigaw dito, sigaw do'n. Pero infairness, nakakatuwa naman silang panoorin. Tawa lang nga ako ng tawa sa kanila eh. Bwiset. Sumakit tuloy tiyan ko :)) So kumain kami ng siomai. Bumili kami do'n sa may R.Papa. Si Kat at si Pia naman, nawili sa chili sauce. Ayun, pinaliguan nila yung siomai nila. Eh hala! Ang mga tanga, hindi alam na sobrang anghang pala. Yan tuloy. Si Kat pinawisan at namula ng bongga. Si Pia naman, naging uhuging bata bigla. Nakakatawa! Kulang na lang eh lumobo na yung sipon sa ilong niya. KADIRI! :) Buti na lang si Tagz, hindi naglagay ng chili sauce. At ako naman, onti lang ang nilagay. Pero anak naman ni Lapu Lapu! Maanghang pa din eh! Naintriga naman tuloy ako kung pa'no ginawa ni Kuya Tindero yun. Diyos ko. Nag-init yung labi ko. Pero syempre, mas malala pa din yung sa dalawang tanga :) Dapat gagawa daw ng assignment sa Economics. Eh

Slowly killing, slowly dying.

What if you just tell him how you truly feel? Wouldn't that be much easier? Oh how I wish it would actually be that easy. Cause if that would be the case, I wouldn't be carrying this much burden now, won't I? But you see, that's not really how this world, or at least how my world, works. Telling him my feelings is so nerve-racking. Just thinking about it already makes my heart pound like crazy. I have always had this huge fear of rejection and failure. So what if I told him my feelings and just got a flat-out rejection? Not only would that hurt like bitch, that would also be a complete and utter humiliation on my part. Imagine a girl being rejected by a guy. That is not really a good image, especially in the culture that we have in this country. People would most likely judge you because of it. And there would be just a handful who would actually extend their sympathy on you. Oh, damn it. I am feeling so confused. Somebody tell me what to do. What I should do. I can&

All the random things of yesterday.

Yesterday was really-- wow! I knew that something was going to happen from the moment I opened my eyes. I just had this weird feeling in me. And boy was I right. Something did happen. Some were humiliating, others were nerve racking, and the rest was just plain crap. So here's what happened to me the whole day of yesterday.. I arrived at school early, as always. And I was chatting with some of my classmates who were already in the room ahead of me. I am fond of sitting at the desk of a chair, and I always do that. But yesterday, I was about to stand when I suddenly FELL from the freaking chair. Damn it. I didn't realize that I was sitting at another desk and my feet is on a different chair. So I got completely out of balance. That was so fucking embarrassing. And the worst part is, I was wearing a skirt and Ginnuel, a guy classmate of mine, was in front of me. The good thing about it is that, I was wearing shorts. Oh my God, really. Just thinking about it is making me feel


Got two things for today. My head's totally aching. And I am freaking drunk! That's it. I'ma give you more details tomorrow about whatever it is that happened today; or at least until I pull myself together. Cause I assure you, I am pretty much wasted right now. I totally feel like an elephant is sitting on top my head. Really hurts. Damnnn! Oh yeah, I am telling you right now, a LOT of random, crazy things has occurred today. I don't even know where to begin. But as I've said, details - tomorrow - me, really wasted. Let's drink to that. CHEERS! :)

A freaking buffalo. What the hell.

YOW! Still up, up and very much alive :D Insomnia is killing me, again. Well, what's new about that, right? But you know, the thing is, I have like, a 7:30am class tomorrow. Oh wait, wouldn't that be today? Since technically, tomorrow is already today. Okay, that was a little bit confusing to me. LOL. Well anyway, I was kinda pissed off a while ago. Some bitch (who was also a former classmate of mine) posted all her class pictures from grade school to high school on her Facebook. As I've said, she was my former classmate, so most probably I'd be in at least one of her class pictures. But hell, the bitch didn't even tag me. Some nerve she has; that of a freaking buffalo. So that was a weird comparison, but whatever. Damn, that really did pissed me off. Owwkaaayyy, breathe in, breathe out. I am going to take the high road here. I am ignoring that stupid bitch, and whatever she did. Well, at least after I publish this post :) Speaking of the old days (most specif

One act of random kindness at a time.

Done watching Evan Almighty. So, how do you change the world? Kind of a weird question, I know. But I really wanna know how. Not that I have any plans on changing the world or anything. Cause that would be really screwed up. I can't even change my own life. How would I possibly change the world?! Anyway, the answer in the movie was " one act of random kindness at a time" . HMMM. Can that really change the world? I mean, what if I'd be kind to someone once a day, would that really make a difference on how the world works? Ugh, whatever. I need not worry about such things. I have one more question though. What if God suddenly shows up in front of you and talks to you, what would you do? Now wouldn't that be creepy ? Well here's the thing, I'm not a believer, but I'm also not a non-believer. I'm sorta in between. There are still some things that I need to have in myself to really believe that someone in a higher power exists. Probably some Fai


This computer is fucking killing me. The anti-virus software keeps popping out of nowhere, but when I scanned the files, no virus is being detected. Oh seriously, what the hell ?! Whatever. I'm helping Regine (one of my closest and best-est friends) plan for her upcoming debut this October. We already found a really cool venue for her to celebrate her party in, but hell! The date of her birthday was already reserved for someone else! Well that really pissed me off. So now, we are both burdened with this problem of finding a new venue for her party. I actually really thought that I'd be able to cancel "venue" from my to-do list. Boy was I wrong, dead wrong . Now my head's totally aching. I would have to start from the beginning of my venue search. Woohh. This is going to be so much fun . Just hoping that if I did find a good place, the date won't be taken anymore. Cause that would suck, big time! Damn, so much to do and yet so little time. Anyway, a really

Blog post of a self-proclaimed "Atenean".

Okay. Stupid hunger woke me up. And I can smell a fried chicken on the way. YUM. :) So, I encountered this blog post from a friend of mine. It's from a fuck bag, self-proclaimed " ATENEAN" . You know, someone who's studying at the Ateneo de Manila University. Okay, I don't have anything against Ateneo or Ateneans, just to this stupid guy-- if he really is an Atenean. Cause he sure doesn't act like one. So what's the post all about? He was dissing Thomasians (people studying at the University of Santo Tomas). He kept mentioning that they're cocksuckers; that they're poor; that they're mediocre; and all really mean stuff which isn't really necessary. He is also very arrogant. He's like, "I'm rich.. I'm brilliant.. I have class..", and all that shit. And I was like, hello?! If you are such a "high class" human being, why are you acting like such a PIG ? And oh yeah, he also mentioned my school. Which ma

Philosophies of love.

Right now, I just feel so stupid when it comes to love. So I decided to do this: Philosophies in LOVE of a local writer in the Philippines named Bob Ong. These are comedic writings but actually makes a lot of sense. Written in Filipino but I'm gonna try my very best to translate them. I hope I don't screw up the true essence of the work. *FINGERS CROSSED. ♥ Kung hindi mo mahal ang isang tao, wag ka nang magpakita ng motibo para mahalin ka niya. ( If you don't love that person, don't even bother showing him/her motives to love you .) ♥ Huwag mong bitawan ang bagay na hindi mo kayang makitang hawak ng iba. ( Don't let go of the thing that you can't bear see someone else holding. ) ♥ Huwag mong hawakan kung alam mong bibitawan mo lang. ( Don't even hold if you know that you're just gonna let go. ) ♥ Huwag na huwag ka hahawak kapag alam mong may hawak ka na. ( Never ever hold another if you know that you're already holding something else. ) ♥ Parang

Classes are suspended. Hell yeah!

Just woke up. Oh yeah, No School Today! The irritating thing about that news is that, they announced it late . Around 7:30 or 8 in the morning, I think. Good thing my Mom told me not to go to school anymore; even before it was announced that there'd be no classes today. Thank God for the rain. Okay, so here's the thing. I hate the rain when I'm outside. But when I'm at home, chilling comfortably in my room, I so totally LOVE the rain. It makes me feel so cozy and relaxed. That is why I love not having school today. I could go sentimental . LOL. Going back to the suspension of classes. I hate that they always announce the suspension for College students so late. They even postpone classes at 3 in the afternoon. I mean, hello?! A lot of students don't have classes by that time anymore. I hate how the government officials think that College students are waterproof . They always think that just because we're older and bigger, we can still go to school even th

Stupid professor in Economics!

The stupid rain is still pouring down, and I just got home. Okay. So, I'm gonna write using two languages, so as to better express how kinda pissed off I am about what happened today. Nakakainis na Prof sa Economics. She has gone way beyond her limits. Biruin mo, tawagin ba namang TANGA at BOBO yung isang classmate ko. Hello?! Professor ba talaga siya? Doesn't she know that calling her own students stupid and dumb just makes her look like that she is the one who's stupid and dumb? What happened, you ask? The stupid Professor asked the class a question: Your current rubber shoes had a rip on it already and you can't possibly use it anymore. You only have 2 months left in the semester, but still, you need to buy a new pair. You went to the mall and saw that the exact same pair of shoes that you have was on a 20 percent discount. If that's the case, how many would you buy and why? She called one of my guy classmates to recite and his answer was: Ma'm, I woul

3 things: damn rain, Facebook quiz & Counter Strike.

Here at the internet shop. My friends are going to teach me how to play Counter Strike. I am so psyched. Can't wait. Lol. Oh yeah, stupid rain! I am so freaking wet right now. It feels like I just had a shower. All I need now is some soap and shampoo. Come on! Weather's not cooperating with me. This is why I truly hate first semesters. It is always fucking raining! My hair's wet. My shirt and jogging pant's soaked. My shoes are wet--even on the inside, which is by the way, totally gross. My freaking bag's also wet. I just wish that my things aren't wet too. Seriously, damn that rain! ANYWAY. Just finished answering Irish's "How well do you know me?" quiz on Facebook. I got 40 percent. Goodness. I feel so completely lame and embarrassed. I am such a bad friend. I also answered Kat's quiz, and I got a 46 percent. Come on! Really, humiliating! And oh, I just made my own "How well do you know me?" quiz. Irish answered it and she got a

Don't wanna go to school; basketball sucks.

I do not wanna go to school. 2 hours of sleep; stupid insomnia. Tired; even though I stayed the whole day of yesterday here at home. Stupid Physical Education class; we're gonna play basketball again . Hello! I'm a for goodness sake. I don't have a natural knack in basketball. If I'm a guy, I would be ecstatic. But I'm not. RAWR! Whoops! Something happened to my computer. It went transparent with the desktop. STUPID! What the hell did I do?! Ugh, whatever. I'm gonna go to school now. I'm already late. Seriously, damn basketball.

"What's done is done." -Macbeth

I totally forgot that the One Tree Hill finale episode made me realize something: Whatever it is that you have done in the past will always haunt you in the future. There's this character named Dan. He killed his brother, Keith. And he's basically been a bad father to his two sons, Nathan and Lucas. And now, after how many years have passed, he's decided to repent on everything that he's done. But it wouldn't be so easy for him. So you see, things that we've done, whether intentional or not, would always be embedded in the minds of other people. We might feel great remorse for doing such things, but still, nothing can erase the fact that we did them anyway. Just like what Macbeth said, "What's done is done." . There are stuff that we just have to live with for the rest for our lives. And there's really nothing that we can do about it. It's just sometimes irritating to think about that something so small might completely change your reputa

One Tree Hill finale made me cry. WTF.

Been editing this stupid blog of mine for two fucking days. And still, I don't like how it looks. But hell. I could live with it. I'm already tired of editing. Just watched the season finale of ONE TREE HILL. It was so nice. I felt all the emotions of the characters. And I actually cried. Yeah, I totally cried. Well, not like with sobs or anything. But still, tears welled up from my eyes. So pathetic of me. I've been wanting to cry all these time, and who would have thought that watching One Tree Hill would push my tears on the edge. Oh well. At least some of my boiled, fucked up feelings are gone. Nothing really happened. Regine and Ana were here today. T'was fun. We talked and laughed. The rest was a blur.

The rain is making me so fucking sentimental.

Why does the rain make people so damn sentimental of such silly things? Sitting at the university library, looking at the pouring rain through the glass window. Makes me think about all the life choices that I made. And all the things that has surpassed my years. Who knew that 18 years would transpire in just a snap. I remember the days when I used to just play around on the streets. The days when all I used to care about was my Barbie dolls and other childish toys. The days when I used to worry about nothing other than what game I should play next. The days when any wound can be simply fixed by a band aid. The days when I was still carefree and oblivious. I miss those days.. Everything was so simple back then. No boy problems, no bickering with friends, no conflict with parents. None of those non-sense things. Nothing that would make our life so damn complicated. Unlike now, everything's like a hard math problem that you can't even begin to solve due to its complicity. The rai

Just wanna post something. Boredom.

It feels good to fall in love with someone who loves you back. But when circumstances dictate that you are not for each other, that you should not be together, you can never even bend that. This is a reality that is hard to accept. No matter how hard you try to follow what your heart says, you can never succeed in doing so. I totally can't relate to this one since the one I love isn't in love with me. I just felt like writing something about this kind of fucked up love story. I'm actually thinking about writing about God. But I'll save that for my next post. I am so freaking bored with my life. I want CHANGE. Need it actually. Come on!

Accept that nobody's perfect.

There are things in my life that I wish I could change. Things that I wish I didn't do. Things I wish never happened. Why in the hell are there things that we regret? I guess it's just all part of our lives. To probably teach us something valuable that we can carry on for the rest of our existence in this crazy world we are in. To let us know that nothing in this world's perfect and not every thing will go the way we want them to. Often times, we have to deal with the fact that we live in an imperfect world with such perfectionist people. We usually force ourselves to comply with the perfection that the rest of the world wants to see from us. It certainly pains me to be in this place. The thing is, nothing's perfect in this world. So, why strive so hard to become someone so completely and utterly perfect, when you can just be perfect with your own imperfections? But you see, that's hard . Accepting your flaws and living with it every single day of your life. Wh

Life is soooo weird.

Nothing's been happening with my life lately. Just same old shit every single day. What the hell?! *SIGHS. Why is it that whenever I want things in my life to just stay the same, life just pulls all the stops into giving me new fucked up stuff to deal with? But when I do want change in my life, destiny bestows nothing my way? Life really is indeed weird at times.

History keeps repeating itself. Damn it.

Non-sense. The past few days has been a complete non-sense . I felt like someone punched me in the face and knock all my senses out of me. I've been totally indifferent of the things around. Worrying about that crap certainly did no good to myself. I said before that this time, things would have to be different. Distinctive pieces of my life would have to change in one way or another. But history just has to repeat itself. No matter how much I try to fight, it just simply refused to budge. Certainly feels like I'm doomed into having this fucked up life for the rest of eternity. I have always been bowing down to all these shit that's been transpiring in my eighteen years of existence in this world. Too afraid to scrap and brawl for my own good. Too petrified of what might or might not happen if I take things in my own hands. I brag about how strong I am. How independent and unconventional I am. Those may be true, in some ways or instances. I am scared. And I am scared th

Letting go and moving on.

It's a lie to say that you've let go of the past. Nobody lets go of the memories. Each tear is an unforgettable memory. Each smile is an undeniable mark. Each heartbreak is an unerasable scar. Because really, there's no such thing as LETTING GO. Just, MOVING ON.. This is probably right. If that's the case, then I'm not gonna let go, I'm simply gonna move on. Move on with what's possibly ahead of this life. ♥

Such a long weekend.

It's time for a new beginning. I want to start things over. I felt like this weekend was a year or maybe more. I did a lot of thinking and I realized that it's time for change. A start of something new for this fucked up life that I have. Tomorrow's a brand new day. Hoping that something changes.

Love doesn't mind. Come on.

In love, you can't see the bad side of someone. That's the pathetic part of being inlove. That sometimes, the "worst person" in this world can be the "best person" for your own belief. As McPaul said, "Love is not blind, it sees , but it doesn't mind.." WOW. Is that really true?

Depression equals a bottomless appetite.

I have been eating non-stop all day. Guess it's true what they say; depress people EAT . It's a good thing I don't get fat. And that my metabolism is uber fast. Cause if that's not the case, I think my weight would increase by 10 pounds just by the amount of food I stuffed in my mouth today. Doo bi doo! I'ma go back to my eating now. I'm starving-- again.

Keeping a distance is a must. But nobody said that it'd be easy.

Whew. I got through yesterday. What a pathetic achievement of mine. I cried though. And I am still trying to figure out why in the hell I cried in front of my block mates. I never do that. I usually just cry in my room, where no human being can witness my weak moment. This is I figured out: I do love him. But not that much yet. Now all I have to do is keep a so-so distance from him. And I'd have to make myself forget these fucking stupid feelings that I have for him.

Incognito in the eyes of everyone.

Snoozed my alarm clock for five times. I am so not in the fucking mood to go anywhere today. But I have no choice. What the hell. Should I skip school today? HMMMM.. Guess not. I have to go and fucking study. The thing is, I'd just have to pretend that I'm completely ecstatic, cause a lot of people, especially those people who really knows me, would suspect that something is wrong if I'm quiet. Cause that's not me at all. I have no quiet bone in my body. I am incognito. Bum, bum, bum.

It fucking hurts. Damn it.

I feel like someone ripped off my chest, took my heart out, and stomped on it until it's barely recognizable. This is what I have been dreading since the day I realized that I have this 'thing' for him. I enjoyed the kilig moments that I had with him. But I don't wanna feel anything other than the kilig and the happiness when I'm around him. I don't wanna feel anything more than that. But hell. Life's so damn unpredictable all the fucking time. The thing that I'm scared of the most is the thing that's in front of me right now. Bullshit. I seriously wanna commit suicide right now. And this time, it's for real. Dying is better than suffering like this. Oh God, please help me. This is totally killing me. What happened? I saw him making kulit with another girl. A girl whom I know likes him. Which, by the way, made the situation and how I feel even worse. They were calling each other 'baby'. Fooling around in front of everyone. And at som

Mapait na tadhana.

Ipinalangin ko ng buong puso't kaluluwa na hinding-hindi mangyayari sa'kin ito. Na hinding-hindi ko mararamdaman ito. Na hinding-hindi aabot sa puntong ito. Ngunit nangyari pa din ang kinatatakutan ko. Kahit na ipinangako ko na sa sarili ko, talagang hindi mapigilan. Masaklap talaga ang tadhana. Hindi ko man ginusto, naramdaman ko parin. Ang bagay na kinakatakot ko ay napasok na ang munti kong lungga. Sadyang ganito nga siguro ang buhay. Kailangan ko na lamang tanggapin ang mapait kong tadhana.

Hoping that I'd be able to ignore him.

Just wanna say good night before I turn in. So, good night =) I am hoping for a good day tomorrow. I will totally ignore him. I will act like a complete snob. Wish I could act like a snob around him, though. That would be seriously hard. Especially for someone like me who's so damn noisy all the fucking time. I can't help but talk every single minute of my waking hours. So actually snubbing anyone would be immensely difficult. Whew. I can do this. I have to do this. Good luck na lang sa'kin bukas. Goodness. Good night, my precious blog world. I will talk to you tomorrow =) Oh God, I am going crazier than usual. This is not a good side effect of liking someone.

Stupid baskteball game. Screw PE.

I just realized that we have a quiz on PE tomorrow. About basketball. HAYNAKU! I know absolutely nothing about basketball (except of course for the basic stuff that most people know). I hate this! Oh dear God, give me a lot of patience to get through to tomorrow. Hoping and praying that whoever is sitting beside me in PE tomorrow knows all the fucking things there is to know about basketball. I have absolutely no intention of failing this subject. But I don't wanna study for it either. It's a two-unit subject for crying out loud! I'll just make up for the written exam with my exquisite basketball skills. Which of course, is not true. That is why I am doomed to fail Physical Education. What the fuck! -- My back's aching. I wanna skip school tomorrow. But since I'm an angel who's disguised as a devil, I won't =)

So long my cruel inspiration.

He used to inspire me to wake up so very early in the morning, take a shower, dress up, eat and be on my way to school. He used to inspire me to go to every single class. He used to inspire me.. But not anymore. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow. I don't wanna wake up at four in the morning to get ready for school. I don't wanna go to any of my classes. I don't wanna see him or talk to him. I hate this. I like how I used to feel. I loved it, actually. Even though it scares the hell out of me sometimes. You know, the thought of falling so deep for him. That scares me--a lot. But I still love feeling those things, though. I love how I'd be kilig just because he said something nice. I love how he'd always tease me cause I am so clumsy (sometimes). I love how he pretends to be mad at me cause of my kakulitan. I love how he'd ask me if his answer's right before he raises his hand and answer the professor's question. I love.. I love all the simple t

My seven years of bad luck has begun.

I just broke a mirror. Guess I'll be having seven years of bad luck then. That's going to be a lot of fun. Whoever invented that stupid saying is a freaking fuck bag. But then again, maybe that person's right. I broke a mirror, I think three years ago, and my life's pretty much been in a turmoil since then. Goodness. Since when did I start believing those crap? Blah blah blah. I'm gonna blab away throughout this post. I can't think of anything sensible to say. My day's been a bummer, to say the least. All I did was download songs from iTunes, answer some quiz from Facebook, edit my blog, watch some TV, and stare at the freaking computer. Oh yeah, total bummer. I have been typing and erasing for six times already. I seriously can't think of anything to write. HAYYY. Well, I think I'm just gonna end this one right here. I can't keep torturing my brain like this. =)

Gossip Girl dream made me feel so pathetic.

I feel weird. Gaining 12 hours of sleep is probably not a good thing. Bummer. I dreamt about Gossip Girl. Chuck and Blair talking and making out, while I was at the side, simply watching them do all sorts of freaky things. Seriously, what the fuck was that all about? I didn't even watch Gossip Girl last night, and I sure am wasn't thinking about it either. Creepy. I just realized how much of a slacker I've been on my last 2 semesters of being a freaking college student. Pa-petiks petiks lang. I do most--actually, all --of my reviewing on the way to school. Sa FX and LRT. So yeah, I guess I'd have to admit that I'm a crammer. Cram there, cram here. The bad thing is that, I'm not that good with it. I can pass the exam, but can't get a high or a perfect grade. And oh yeah, sometimes I don't even study at all. And when the test paper's already on my desk, just lying there, waiting to be answered, all I can think about is, "Bahala na nga si Batman!