Stupid photo uploader. After ten years! And that's what really, really irritates me. Things that are so fucking slow. I'm not really a patient person, so waiting for something/someone seriously annoys me. Ugh.
Okay, picture. (You have to click the image to see it's full size.) So I've been online for 10 straight hours--10:06:26 to be exact. Good thing my head doesn't ache yet. Wooh. Well, I think I'm gonna turn my computer off now. I'm really tired. Plus, I have school tomorrow. Damn. School. I do not wanna go to school tomorrow. I feel so lazy these days. I mean, lazier than my usual laziness.
Madali lang yan. Hanap ka lang ng mga kaeklatan sa net. Search ka sa google. Tas download mo lang xD
Inggit ka? Gaya ka. Haha xD