I know that it would be really, really gross to post this thing publicly,
but I just seriously need to let this thing out of my system.
I hate monthly periods.
Yup. You read that one right. Monthly periods.
Girls out there, join me wouldja please?!
For guys, you probably won't relate to this topic at all.
Just wondering.
How come we girls experience monthly pain,
while all guys out there are just sitting happily and comfortably without having to worry about silly things like monthly periods? I was just really wondering, you know.
We girls have to experience pain every single month.
And not only that, we also have to experience the burden (though not all the time)
of carrying a baby in our belly for nine months.
Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with having a baby,
and I have nothing against that.
But the thing is, why do us ladies have to carry ALL the pain?
Oh well, I can't do anything about that now.
That's human nature.
But seriously, this monthly pain thing is killing me.
How I wish I'd be a guy this instant,
so that I won't feel any of this excessive pain.
Yeahh, ciao for now guys.
I'ma go to sleep already.
'Till my next post.
Keep in touch.