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The Return of the Comeback


Hello there, blogger/blogspot. I haven't updated you in about a month and I apologize for that. My days have been spent juggling between work, my girlfriend and myself. And blogging just doesn't seem to be a practical idea since I would just rather sleep after a long and tedious 9-hour shift.

But here I am, finally having the extra time to post something. Plus, I think I should go back to writing (even if what I mostly write are all just a bunch of random crap), because honestly, I've been struggling to express myself in English which doesn't really happen to me and the whole thing just absolutely sucks! This is also the reason why I want to go back to reading. But since I can't even find the time to make a simple blog post, that would most probably take me just about 30 minutes, then how the hell do I even expect myself to find the time to actually finish an entire book! PSSHH

Well, to tell you the truth, I still don't have the "extra time" to blog. It just so happens that we have some free time here at the office and thank god for the internet connection that we all have on our individual work stations, so here I am, able to open my blogger account, and now, post something.

Going back to the issue of having a hard time expressing myself in English...
I can't even begin to explain how incredibly annoying it is to stutter and stumble and to even go down the road of exerting Tagalog words here and there into an English-composed sentence, just so I could get my message across. It's annoying to experience because I am not really used to not being able to explain things in English, or tell stories in English or say whatever the hell I wanna say in English. But since I've been having a hard time lately, then I suppose the only solution for this "concern" is to start writing again--and reading some books (if I find the time).

But that isn't really what I wanted to blog about. I originally wanted to express the feelings that I've been having since I started my new job, which could be boiled down into bullets.
  • Some of my co-trainees are stupid. And it's not really that I'm being mean or anything, but really, a bunch of them are just really stupid. I mean... I can't even explain, but they're just really annoyingly stupid.
  • It irritates me how they seem to expect me to "change" my ways just to please them. I mean, I'm not exactly the tamest and the most demure person in the world, but somehow it's like they want me to be like that just because I'm a girl. I'm like, seriously?! None of you is turning "wild" just to keep up with me. Why the hell do you expect me to tame myself down for any of you?!
  • A lot of them are know-it-alls. If you don't understand something, just please, let the one who actually does, help/assist you. It's not like anyone's gonna look down on you or think that you're dumb just because you don't understand a certain thing--and when I say a "certain thing", I mean stuff like troubleshooting shit that nobody really expects anyone to know right off the bat, especially if you don't have any technical background.
  • Some of them like to pretend that they know everything, when clearly they don't. Just because you're age is above 25 years and I'm only 21 doesn't exactly mean that you know more than I do. I mean, you could be 40 and still be living under your parents house, single, doesn't have a job and obviously has no long-term goal in life, and I would for sure know so much more about life thn you will ever do. It just sucks when these people act like, "I'm 27/30/35 and you're just a kid who hasn't experienced that much yet, hence you not knowing anything about life so just shut up." And I'm like, "BITCH PLS"
There are times when I daydream of stabbing some of these people and watching them all die. Hahaha! I consider myself as one of the meanest people here on Earth.
Plus, the guards in this company are hella annoying. I would suggest that they coordinate with other employees so they wouldn't reprimand us of anything that our trainer said we are allowed to do in the first place.
I warned you that this post would be full of rage. So there you go.


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